Are you currently seeking a way to have more fun with your partner in the bedroom? If so, a vibrator is a great option to take into consideration. The Fun Factory- Sundaze Pulse Vibe (Pistachio) is a vibrator that is designed to spice things up in the bedroom. If you have noticed that your partner's arousal has changed a bit due to age or stress, this vibrator is an excellent option. The tapping and pulsing settings will boost your partner's blood flow.
The following nerve endings are stimulated by the thrusting vibrator SUNDAZE and lead you to even more intense orgasms:
MERKEL'S DISKS Respond to light touch, like the tapping settings of SUNDAZE.
PACINIAN CORPUSCLES Detect pressure and vibration, i.e. SUNDAZE's first three settings.
RUFFINI ENDINGS Feel when skin moves and stretches. Use the pulsation settings for these!